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Data Science Hub

In August of 2025, the Frederick-GMU College Partnership Laboratory School is scheduled to open at Dowell J. Howard. This comprehensive high school will offer 11th and 12th graders from Frederick County intensive course offerings in Data Science and Computer Science with a choice of three pathways:

  • Data Analytics Certification
  • Mentored University Research including:
    • Field Experiences at the Smithsonian
    • College Credits
    • Associate's Degree
  • Work-based Learning 


  1. Conduct Mentored Research - Innovations lab course in 10th-12th grades with university mentors
  2. Take Courses for College Credit - Take advanced courses in Data Science II, Computer Science II and Science for college credit
  3. Earn Data Analytics Certification - Learn data-analytics-focused certifications through companies such as Google and Amazon in a state-of-the-art Data Hub.
  4. Multiple Graduation Options - Earn college credits, have options for an associates degree and/or a workforce apprenticeship.


To create innovative pathways designed to help students and teachers from rural and rural fringe school divisions add Data Science, Computing and
Applications expertise to their skill set and make informed data-driven decisions to contribute meaningfully to their communities.


To create a data-literate next-generation workforce empowered with the skills, knowledge, and mindset necessary to thrive and solve problems in a data-driven world to bring about positive change.

Frederick is partnering with GMU, Laurel Ridge, the Smithsonian-Mason Conservation Center and local businesses to provide university-mentored research, field experiences, and work-based learning.